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DREAMer selca day

DREAMers held the first DPR DREAMer Selca Day / DPR DREAMer Day on September 8, 2021.

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The idea was originated by @CTYL_radio and @DPRasHorror and then coordinated by @DPRGuides. After taking submissions for suggestions and then a vote, the result was the 8th of each month, starting at 12:00 am midnight KST.

Why the 8th? Because the number 8 means infinity. DPR and DREAMers inspire and motivate each other in infinite ways. It is a two-way relationship, giving back to each other in a constant loop.

DPR DREAMer Selca Day is a collective way for DREAMers to show DPR how much they mean to them.

To participate, DREAMers use the hashtags #DPRDREAMerDay and #DPRDREAMerSelcaDay. (The #DPRDREAMerSelcaDay hashtag was suggested by
@CClown_Poland as #DREAMerSelcaDay was already being used by other fandoms. The #DPRDREAMerDay hashtag is to include DREAMers who want to participate without posting a selfie.)

Participation is open to all DREAMers around the globe, and creativity is welcome and encouraged.

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