Dream Perfect Regime Server
Link to join: https://discord.gg/jaP5EtzTqa
300+ members, active and growing
The server was created at the end of November 2022. The mods are working to add more information and channels to the server.

DREAMers Go Live
DREAMers connecting with DREAMers live on multple platforms.

Individual Social Media Accounts
The following social media accounts run by DREAMers are recommended by The DPR Record as a starting point for new DREAMers looking for news and information about DPR.
@cclown_poland on Instagram and Twitter
@dprfans on Instagram
@hourlydpr on Instagram and Twitter
@dprguides on Instagram and Twitter
@dprcharts on Twitter
@dprarchive on Twitter and @iite.cool on Instagram
@dprianarchive on Instagram and Twitter
@dabinarchives on Twitter
@dprrem_archive on Instagram and @dprremarchive on Twitter
@dprcreamarchive on Twitter
@dprclinearchive on Twitter
@dprjoonarchive on Twitter
@_dprgifs on Twitter
@_dprkorea on Instagram
@dprportugal on Twitter
@dpr_france on Twitter
@Mexicodpr on Twitter
@DPRPhilippines on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
These recommendations are just a place to begin and are not the only fantastic DPR fan accounts on social media. There are many more individual and regional/country fan accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Facebook and Tumblr. It is a community that only continues to grow.
Worldwide Influence
Just as the members of DPR come from different parts of the world, Dream Perfect Regime fans can be found across the globe. Social media and video sharing sites are full of videos, music and art influenced by DPR's work.
#DPRaroundTheWorld was a fan-made video celebrating Dream Perfect Regime's 3rd anniversary in 2017. 115 photos taken by DREAMers from 38 countries.
DREAMer Communities
The DREAMers have created groups for themselves on social media platforms where they connect, share content, and discuss everything DPR-related.
#ComingToYouLiveRadio by @ctylradio
Streaming DPR, Asian artists & talking about life.
Held on Twitter Spaces and Stationhead.
Check account for schedule
#RegimeRadio by @dprianarchive
Streaming DPR music, DPR discussion & DREAMer community conversation.
Held on Twitter Spaces